3 in One Staffing Inc, Logo Phone Icon(929) 233-2232


Basic Life Support Course

This highly interactive course is designed to teach life saving skills and knowledge using the latest AHA guidelines. This course teaches you how to recognize and respond to respiratory and cardiac emergencies for adult, child and infant victims . This course covers the following skills:

• Initiating the chain of           

• Performing appropriate      
  rescue breaths
• Prompt performance of
  High-quality chest
  compressions for adult,
  child and infant victims

• Performing one and two
  rescuer CPR
• Early use of an Automated
  External Defibrillator (AED)

• How to relieve choking
  (foreign-body airway

Heart Saver Course

• In this course you will
  learn the basics of First Aid
• How to give CPR and use
  an AED
• How to recognize life
  threatening emergencies

• How to recognize when
  someone needs CPR


Neonatal Resitation Program (NRP) Course

This highly interactive course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to efficiently and effectively manage critically ill neonates in order to improve outcomes. The course utilizes the latest AAP and AHA guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and cardiovascular care of the neonate. Course participants are required to take an online exam (for a fee) in order to complete the written evaluation required for this course. This course is designed to improve performance evaluation of neonatal resuscitation skills. The course covers the following areas:

• Initial steps in neonatal
• Endotracheal Intubation
• Megacode
• Use of resuscitation
  devices for positive
  pressure ventilation
• Medications utilized in
  neonatal resuscitation
• Chest compressions
• Resuscitation of preterm
  and other ill neonates
